Therapy for quarter-lifers making big decisions

In-person & virtual therapy in San Francisco & the California area.

You face a lot of questions in your 20’s & 30’s…

Where should I live? What kind of job should I have? Who should I date? How often should I see my family? What is the meaning of life? What should I cook for dinner?

And not making a decision is also a decision.

You face an existential vacuum after the prescriptive path of childhood ends. After graduation, no one tells you where to go every day, what to do next. Your time becomes your own. The questions start to creep in, closely followed by doubt, swiftly followed by dread.

Living in San Francisco, you're surrounded by an endless number of strangers and possible life trajectories.

Before the modern world, people had fewer options.

There were about 50 potential romantic prospects in a small village and your family and religious community had a big say in who you chose to be with. Heck, sometimes they chose for you.

Not anymore. Now, you can open a dating app and find 10,000 potential romantic prospects. And you get to make the choice. Alone.


In a study, researchers gave half the participants 6 ice cream flavors to choose from; the other half were given 30 ice cream flavors to choose from. The end result? The group with fewer choices ended up being more satisfied with their decision. 

What does this mean for you?

It means that all this potential, all this choice, can leave you feeling less sure of your decisions and less satisfied with your path.

Learning how to *wisely* follow your heart is a skill that can be learned.

Once you get clear on who you are and what drives you, the choices start to narrow themselves down.

I can help you identify what really matters to you and learn how to make decisions from a place of clarity. I can teach you to identify your values and start taking steps that lead to the outcomes you really want.


Let’s chat

  • Step 1.

    Schedule a free 20 minute consultation. Or if you have a question, fill out my contact form and I’ll reach out to you.

  • Step 2.

     In our consultation, we discuss what you want support with and if my skill set overlaps. You get to see if we click. Trust your gut!

  • Step 3.

    We set up an initial 50 minute session. I send you intake paperwork. We meet and start the healing process ✨