Quiet your inner critic, find peace.
Eating disorder therapy in San Francisco & the greater California area.

I work with people who have tried to do the right thing all their lives but have gotten stuck.
Growing up, you may have been called the good kid. The pleasure-to-have-in class kid. The eldest child. The responsible one. The one whose always there for others.
You followed the path set out for you, you did all the right things– but you find yourself wondering– is this it?
You got the job. The partner. You make sure your body, your hair, your clothes, everything about you, looks good to others. Your social media looks like you have it all. So why does it feel like something is off?
Why don’t you feel good when you did everything you were supposed to do?
This drive to please others worked… until it didn't.
You developed an eating disorder. You’re anxious. You aren’t satisfied with your various accomplishments. You feel lost. You never feel good enough.
You’re okay as long as you stay busy. But when it’s quiet, your thoughts race. Self criticism and anxiety are with you when you get dressed in the morning (does this outfit look right?) to when you eat dinner at night (was that ‘clean’ enough?).
It’s hard to make a decision. Everyone else seems so sure of themselves. You try to pretend you feel the same way.
You relive interactions, second guessing everything you said. You go out of your way to help your friends, but when you ask them for a small favor in return, they don’t quite return the favor. You don’t feel as important to them as they are to you.
You worry that there is something wrong with you. You worry you’re defective.

You deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin.
You deserve to know that you are good enough. Just as you are.
In this very moment.
Feeling good about yourself is not out of your reach.
I can help you get there.

hi! i’m megan.
I love helping people recover from eating disorders, anxiety, and that just-not-good-enough feeling they can’t shake. I love helping people learn how to trust themselves.
Our bodies are our homes. They’re ours to care for and in return they let us experience the world. But there are people making big money off the idea that our bodies are not to be enjoyed, they’re to be fixed. You can try to ignore these messages, sure– but if you’re a sensitive person, if you like to please others, it’s pretty difficult to not let them get to you.
I believe you can feel good about yourself, even when bombarded with messages trying to convince you otherwise. You can feel calm, even when your smart phone lights up 24/7 with new tasks and distractions. You can learn to trust yourself. In a society that profits off of your insecurities, you can know that you are good enough, exactly as you are.
If you want to find peace and confidence, I would love to help you on your way.
therapy services
Therapy for Eating Disorders
Therapy for Anxiety
Therapy for Quarter Lifers